We all need a cold shower Surely you know that; you are just really relaxed in a nice hot shower, and suddenly only an ice-cold water jet comes out of the shower head …. The air stays away and...
A strong and healthy immune system - therefore we have put together a few tips for you, which are also fun. If you can incorporate these things into your daily or weekly ritual, you are guaranteed to get into...
At the start of spring, when the season of airy and shorter clothes is approaching and fasting is coming up, we realize that a little relief in form as a deceleration day would be good for our body. Of...
Daily stretching exercises will help us to avoid pain and stay flexible into old age. Due to our sedentary lifestyle, because we usually sit too much and move too little, we unfortunately often suffer from muscle aches, such as neck...
Coconut water is a well known perfect thirst quencher in the tropics and at the same time a perfect isotonic drink. The young green coconut is cut with the machete and drunk with a straw. Very refreshing and really delicious! In...
The lemon water is an old home and natural remedy. In folk medicine, it has long been used for the treatment of various ailments. Drinking lemon water has many benefits for your health, so many positive effects on your body...
We have put together a few tips for you on how you can cope better with jet lag in the future in order to keep the physical discomfort as low as possible. Traveling by air is certainly one of the...
Varicose veins and spider veins, blue to reddish discolored veins and small vascular trees shimmer through the skin, usually on the legs. The legs feel heavy, warm and tired, are swollen and hurt. What causes varicose veins or spider veins? The...
To lose weight relatively quickly, who wouldn't wish it? Well, everyone does. In the world where perfection and flawlessness is every girl’s dream and priority, to lose weight relatively quickly is something everyone wants. Losing weight, exercises and dieting are not...
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