Daily stretching exercises will help us to avoid pain and stay flexible into old age.

Due to our sedentary lifestyle, because we usually sit too much and move too little, we unfortunately often suffer from muscle aches, such as neck and shoulder tension.

The problem, painkillers and ointments relieve the pain but do not fight it.

Muscle stretching is one of the most effective ways to prevent and treat pain.

Daily stretching gives the body energy, provides blood circulation, prevents muscle stiffness and relieves muscle pain.

The muscles become more flexible and supple and you become more flexible.

In addition, stretching promotes physical, mental and spiritual relaxation, has a calming and relaxing effect.

We should always take some time for stretching daily

During stretching, individual muscles or entire muscle groups are held for a few seconds of stretching. This means that the stretching posture is kept static.

So never make hectic movements or stretch injured muscles.

This could lead to serious damage.

How important is the breathing during the stretching

Breathing during stretching is very important and it is half the workout.

With the breathing you can conjure up a few more centimeters of stretch and soon your body will be able to do much more.

A calm, steady and conscious breathing triggers relaxation in your body, as mind and body connect.

Through this deep relaxation you achieve maximum flexibility and your muscles can release the tension.

And with time, you can also expand your range of movement with more flexibility.

Breathing consciously – how does that work?

Conscious breathing also needs some practice:

Try to focus on that in your stretching exercises.

Breathe calmly and evenly during each exercise, no matter how strenuous it is.

Try to breathe down to your stomach to perform really deep and relaxed breaths.

As you exhale, try to consciously relax your stretched muscle.

Try to release the tension to get deeper into the stretching.

Avoid press breathing, especially during flexibility training or active exercises.

Pressurized breathing can raise your blood pressure and make it difficult for you to do it yourself.

Your training will be more strenuous and your muscle will not be able to relax!

10 daily stretching exercises for more mobility

Neck relaxation

The exercise:

Position yourself hip-width, your feet point slightly outwards, your knees are slightly flexed and above the middle of the foot.

Align your chest forward and upward, your head is the extension of the spine.

Stretch your arms slightly away from your body.

Your palms point forward.

Keep your shoulders symmetrical and away from your ears, so pull back slightly.

Now bend your head slightly forward until your neck is slightly pulled.

Hold the stretch for 10 – 60 seconds and breathe.

Then slowly turn your head to the right.

Hold for 10 – 60 seconds and keep breathing.

Repeat the stretch on the left side.

woman - neck stretching

Reach your fingertips

Here is the exercise:

Stand upright, place the palm of your right hand on your upper back.

Your left hand now approaches the upper hand from below.

The palm of your lower hand is turned outwards.

Now try to carefully bring your fingertips together.

Hold for 30 – 60 seconds and keep breathing.

Then switch sides and repeat this exercise.

couple doing daily stretching


It stretches your spine.

In this exercise you only have to stretch your upper body backwards with your arms outstretched upwards.

It is best to use a chair with a backrest or a large gymnastic ball.

But be careful: Please do this exercise with feeling – don’t go too far!

lateral back stretching  on a gymnastic ball

Lateral back

This is the exercise:

Stand hip-width, your feet point slightly outwards, your knees are slightly flexed and above the middle of the foot.

Align your chest forwards and upwards.

Your right hand is resting on your thigh with your fingers pointing down.

Stretch your left arm upwards.

Tilt your upper body to the side so that you can feel a slight “pull” on the outside.

Hold this position for 10 – 60 seconds.

Now breathe deeply into the stretched side.

Change sides.

daily stretching exercises

Gluteus Stretch


Lie with your back on your gym or yoga mat.

Now cross your legs so that your foot lies crosswise on your other thigh.

Grab the hollow of your knee with your hands and pull your thigh strongly towards your chest.

Hold this stretch for 20 seconds and breathe deeply.

Then change the leg and repeat this exercise a second time.

woman stretching her Gluteus

Front thigh muscle

With this exercise you also train your sense of balance.

Stand upright.

The thighs are always parallel to each other during this exercise.

Now lift your left leg and bend it backwards.

Grab your bent leg with your left hand and pull it to your bottom.

Hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds.

Now change sides.

If you have a good sense of balance, you can grab the foot with both hands.

front high muscle- Quad stretch

Include Leg extension in your daily stretching

This exercise really stretches all the muscles in your thigh.

Lie on your back on your gym mat.

Stretch your legs through.

Thread a band ( resistance band or Thera-band) or a towel around one foot.

Then bring this foot upwards at an angle of 90 degrees. Stretch the leg as far as possible.

Now you lead the leg as far as you can sideways to the right and left.

Lower it again and repeat this exercise before changing the leg.

Do two passes per leg.

Important: Perform this exercise slowly!

Leg extension stretch

Hip flexor

These exercises are especially important for people who sit for several hours a day.

The hip flexor connects our legs with our pelvis. No other muscle represents this important connection. This connection has a special influence on our posture and uphold. With a shortened hip flexor it is harder for us to keep upright.

Exercise 1, in the office:

If possible, get up after one hour sitting!

A few seconds are enough to bring your hip flexor briefly into the extension and opening.

Support your hands in the lower back and lean back carefully.

Breathe in and out deeply for 10 times.

Exercise 2, in the evening, at home:

Lie down on your back, on your gym or yoga mat.

Pull your right leg towards your chest and hold it with both hands. Breathe in and out deeply for 3 to 5 minutes.

Always draw your leg a little closer to you as you exhale.

Put your leg down again and feel the side difference.

Repeat this exercise with your other leg.

Hip flexor stretch

Simple Twist Pose – a very important exercise in your daily stretching

This stretching exercise improves the flexibility of the hip and spine and opens the shoulders.
It is also designed to stimulate our digestion.

For this exercise you sit on your yoga mat on the floor, with relaxed arms on both sides.

Now put your right hand on the floor, behind your sacrum, and your left hand on your right knee.

Take a deep breath and with the inhalation extend your spine, and then use your hands to turn your torso to the right.

And exhale. Continue to breathe calmly and hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds.

Now change sides.

Repeat the exercise at least 2 times per side.

Simple twist pose

Achilles tendon / calves elongation

There are different methods for stretching the Achilles tendon or the calf.

Here we introduce you to one of the simpler exercises, which you can also do in between.

Stand up in a simple lunge step, so you place one foot with a wide step forward, while your rear foot remains completely on the ground.

This stretches the Achilles tendon and the calf of your rear leg.

Now you feel a light and comfortable pull in your Achilles tendon and calf muscles.

Hold this position for 20 seconds per side.

A light seesaw can further improve this stretching exercise.

Then loosen the position and loosen your foot by light circular movements.

Repeat this stretching exercise 3 times per side and once daily.

Achilles tendon / calves elongation

Daily stretching exercises help us avoid muscle pain and keep our muscles loose.

So we stay fit and agile until old age!

For more inspiration: https://www.pinterest.com/womenoverforty/body-and-health/



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