Delicious punch and mulled wine recipes for cold winter days


Especially on cold winter days we love a cup of delicious punch and mulled wine to warm us up.

The popular hot drink originally comes from India, where the punch was traditionally prepared from arrack, sugar, lemon and water or tea flavored with spices. Usually punch recipes are based on ingredients such as red wine, white wine, cider or juices.

Please always make sure that the delicious punch and mulled wine on the stove is only heated and does not begin to cook, otherwise the alcohol and the aromas evaporate. And that would be really sad. If delicious punch and mulled wine recipes contain oranges or lemons, it is better to use untreated organic fruits.

We have selected the best classic recipes for delicious punch and mulled wine for you here, because homemade punch simply tastes best. And they’re all really easy to make.

Delicious apple punch

This recipe with naturally cloudy apple juice and delicious Christmas spices shows how delicious a punch can be without alcohol.

Ingredients for 6 portions

1 organic orange
1 piece fresh ginger
33.8 fl.oz apple juice naturally cloudy
1 stick of cinnamon
1 star anise
2 cloves


Rinse orange with hot water, rub dry and peel thinly with a peeler. Peel the ginger and cut into thin slices.
Place apple and orange juice with peeled orange peel, ginger, cinnamon, star anise and cloves in a suitable pot and bring to the boil. Remove the pot from the heat and let the punch steep for at least 30 minutes.
Then pour the punch through a fine sieve and heat again if necessary.
Serve immediately or fill a thermos flask to go.

delicious Apgle Punch

Tasty cranberry punch

Delicious with or without alcohol

Ingredients per glass

5,1 fl.oz. cranberry nectar
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 cloves
1/4 stick cinnamon
1/2 organic orange
1,4 fl.oz. rum


Boil the cranberry nectar together with the brown sugar, cloves and cinnamon stick in a suitable pot. Remove the pot from the heat and leave to stand for 30 minutes.
Squeeze out the orange with the citrus press and stir in the juice. You can refine the punch with rum as you like – but it also tastes very good as “children’s punch”.
Serve your punch with fresh cranberries and a fresh orange slice.

tasty Cranberry Punch

Classic red mulled wine

For this simple mulled wine recipe you wish it was always Christmas!

Ingredients for 33,8 fl.oz. mulled wine

25,4 fl.oz. strong red wine
8,5 fl.oz. juice of freshly squeezed blood oranges or apple juice
2 cinnamon sticks
3 cloves
1 star anise
4 pimento grains
1 organic orange


Wash the organic orange thoroughly with warm water and cut into 0.20in thick slices.
Place the red wine, juice and spices and the orange slices in a large pot and heat slowly, but do not bring to the boil.
Let the mulled wine simmer in the pot for 15 minutes on a low flame until it has developed its full aroma.
Now pour the mulled wine into the prepared mugs and serve hot.

Tip: Please do not season the mulled wine too much, otherwise it will quickly produce an inedible result.

delicious mulled wine

White mulled wine

White mulled wine is a tasty alternative to the old classic with red wine and super-light to the DIY

Ingredients for 6 glasses

2,7 fl.oz. white wine (best a dry wine)
8,5 fl.oz. apple juice
3 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
2 star anise
3 tbsp sugar
1 organic orange


Wash the orange, cut into slices and then fill 1-2 slices each into the prepared punch or mulled wine glasses.
Then slowly heat the white wine together with the apple juice, the spices and the sugar in a pot.
However, the white mulled wine should not boil, since the alcohol starts to evaporate from 78 degrees.
Finally, remove the larger spices from the pot and pour the white mulled wine into the prepared glasses.

Be careful when adding sugar! Sugar in alcohol can quickly give you a headache!

delicious mulled wine white with orange slices

Although these drinks are not punch and mulled wine, they are also enjoyed on cold winter days.

Egg Nog – a good alternative to a delicious punch and mulled wine

was once a drink of the English upper class in London. At that time, when cooling wasn’t taken for granted, milk and eggs were something very special, as was brandy. The drink spread from England to America. In the countryside the ingredients were abundant and rum was used instead of brandy.

Ingredients for 12 portions

6 eggs
16,9 fl.oz. liquid cream
8,5 fl.oz. milk
4,4 oz. sugar
4,2 fl.oz. brown rum
3,4 fl.oz. whiskey
3,4 fl.oz. brandy
1 vanilla pod or vanilla aroma
some freshly grated nutmeg


Separate the eggs and put the egg white aside. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape out the vanilla pulp with a teaspoon. Stir the egg yolks with cream, milk, sugar and vanilla pulp until the sugar has dissolved.
Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the egg yolk mixture. Next carefully stir in the alcohol.
Now put the Egg Nog in the fridge and let it steep for a few hours.
Sprinkle with freshly grated nutmeg to serve.
Egg Nog can be drunk cold or warm. Egg Nog is best warmed in a water bath.

Tip: If you want the Egg Nog a little less strong, you can of course use only one type of alcohol or less alcohol.

tasty Egg Nog

Incredible hot chocolate with marshmallows

A delicious drink without alcohol and homemade in only 10 minutes!

Ingredients for 4 portions

16,9 fl.oz. milk
3,4 fl.oz. cream
1 cinnamon stick
3,5 oz. dark chocolate
1,1 oz. small marshmallows
1 tsp cinnamon


Heat the milk together with the cream and the cinnamon stick in a pot. Finely chop the chocolate with a large knife or a food processor and add to the milk, stirring until it dissolves in the milk. Remove the cinnamon stick.
Put 8 marshmallows aside, chop the rest and add to the chocolate, stirring until everything dissolves.
Whisk the chocolate with a blender and then divide into cups.
To garnish, place the retained marshmallows on the cups filled with chocolate, sprinkle with a little cinnamon and enjoy immediately.

delicious hot Chocolate with Marshmellows

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