Home General 8 things that make you immediately more sympathetic

8 things that make you immediately more sympathetic


Eight things that make you immediately more sympathetic – and we will show you how:

Sympathetic – what is that?

When you find someone sympathetic, it means nothing else but that you feel an affection for a person on a spiritual level.

This feeling of affection arises from certain similarities which two people discover in each other.

Similarities, such as hobbies, similar attitudes, tastes and habits. That connects. This gives the person a feeling of familiarity and one is immediately sympathetic to each other.

And have you only just got to know each other and not yet found any common ground?

Even with very brief encounters, a feeling of sympathy or dislike quickly develops in us humans.

This can be caused by superficial characteristics such as posture, expression, facial expressions and gestures.

We can already see in the first few seconds of the encounter how the other person behaves towards us and conclude from this his character.

These very first seconds decide, exaggeratedly said, about ” friend ” or ” enemy”.

Often we can’t even explain to ourselves why a certain person is sympathetic to us.

Are there certain characteristics that make a person sympathetic?

If you ask people what they find endearing, in most cases positive qualities such as humor, honesty and helpfulness are listed.

Simply everything that makes people feel good or simply brings a smile to their face makes them sympathetic.

Radiate optimism.

People like to surround themselves with positive people because optimism is transferred to them. With a negative charisma, one is quickly perceived as strenuous and as an energy robber.

In order to win someone over, you should rely on naturalness.

After all, an acted laugh, exalted gestures and facial expressions and a dramatic choice of words probably fit more into a theatre than into a normal conversation.

This also includes an honest interest in the person opposite.

This can be achieved, for example, through interested enquiries. And very quickly the other person notices that someone is actually interested in them, their opinions and views.

Perhaps commonalities are discovered and this in turn creates a feeling of connection and trust.

And how do I become more sympathetic?

If you are not sure how to show sympathy, the following eight tips should help you become more sympathetic to other people.

Call your conversation-partner by name – that will make you more sympathetic

If you self-conscience moves you to exhibit a sympathetic behavior towards someone you know, you should address them by their names, when engaging in a conversation with them.

Already speak to the other at the welcome by the name, the name is an important part of the personality, esteem, many are impressed, if one makes the effort to remember the name.

It creates an impression that you are here for them, and it helps them to open their hearts to you.

To be more sympathetic - call your conversation-partner by name

Show honest interest

If someone has chosen you as the person they can trust and express their feelings, you should show genuine interest in their conversation, utterances and gestures.

Meet this person in a natural way.
Be friendly and open.

Actively listen to the thoughts and answers of your counterpart and remember what he says. Ask questions without interrupting your conversation partner in the middle of a sentence.

Give your counterpart the feeling of being important.

This is one of the techniques for arousing sympathy in others.

Ask for small favors

If you are considering becoming a more sympathetic towards someone that you know, should ask for a little friendship services from them, and you should ask for small favors to build a rapport with them.

It gives them the impression that you want to enter their personal space to help them with their concerns, and it also blossoms a friendship between you and them.

To touch once in while – show affection to be sympathetic

A certain number of studies show that maintaining a light and graceful physical contact with someone creates a cordial connection with them, and it also brings out your sympathetic side to them.

When doing so, you should not push on intrusive but, gentle and unobtrusive on the upper arm. A light touch on the arm or shoulder of a person promotes mutual trust between two individuals.

To touch once in while - show affection to be sympathetic

To admit small weaknesses openly

If you approach someone with a sympathetic mind, you should refrain from giving the person spasmodic and well-meant advice.

Such behavior may intimidate the person and prevent them from opening up to you.

It would also create a distance between the two of you.

If you think the person is vulnerable and unwilling to open up, you should have a warm-up conversation with them and build up a sympathetic dynamic towards them.

And also like to show your own little weaknesses.

Nobody is perfect!

This creates a connection between the two of you and helps them to open up to you.

Keep calm in case of conflict

If you want to contribute to the well-being of an environment, you should remain calm and composed in case of conflict.

If possible, remain confident even in difficult situations.

And if someone is angry, please do not scold back uncontrollably.

Stay as objective and calm as possible.

Try to handle the situation with a relaxed mind.

Keep calm and smile

Adapted but authentic

When you engage in a conversation with a person, you should exhibit adaptable behavior that is still responsive to the tone and spirit of the conversation.

It should be authentic and genuine.

You should refrain from showing false and pretended behavior to a person you are approaching.

Just be ” yourself”. Stay authentic.

Keep eye contact with the person you are talking to. This is also very important in order to appear sympathetic to the other person.

Mirroring and pacing, that means you should adjust your posture, speaking rate and expression to the other person in order to establish a relationship with him/her – this creates equality and sympathy.

Sympathetic confident woman

Be at peace with yourself

What could be a better way to be sympathetic other than being at peace with yourself?

It is no wonder that great charisma comes from inner satisfaction.

Everyone has a bad day and is not happy with themselves, but still be nice to you and smile…

Hearts can be conquered faster when you have closed yourself to the heart.

For more inspiration: https://www.pinterest.com/womenoverforty/positive-psychology/



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